Thursday, February 26, 2009


In this changing world where there are girls into the fashion world winning laurels for their countries, considered as ambassadors for some high profile companies, and going to the moon and brought pride not only to the nation but also showed the capability of girls as being an astronaut but the underlying truth of the darker side is different and very much catastrophic.

It is so ironic when every politician speaks about education of girls but how many really do it? I guess one in every hundred. There are great leaders who say that women education is UN-ISLAMIC!!! What has education do with religion and culture? "I just do not understand what the Taliban have against us girls? Do we girls not have the right to live?” This is the voice of a girl who wants to be educated as her brother but her school is being burnt by some barbarians. So where is the education all going to? Does her zeal for her education taking her life? All these questions do not have answers and the big nations do not consider these as their problems.

You open the newspaper in the morning and the headline reads “GIRL RAPED AND BRUTALLY MURDERED”, “SEXUALLY  ASSAULTED”, “MURDERED FOR NOT ACCEPTING HIS LOVE”, is this where we stand as humans and humanity? Every day the paper, magazines, television has such news. Is life safe after all?

There are so many unanswered questions and no one really knows how and who can solve them. Even today a girl birth is considered as a sin not only in India but even in some Muslim countries. Girls are being killed once they are born even though the she is brought into this world by a woman. The beliefs and the superstitions in rural have taken a major role so much that they are real hard to be changed. Though the world is growing in technology, girl education has been the same as it was 50 years ago, the cruelty against them has not come to an end.

I am a girl, Is that a sin?? This is the question that is arising almost in every girl’s heart. Let us by individual bring peace in this world as without either of them man or woman there is no world!! 


  1. I agree & specially in India the stats for rape victims is staggering. 2 women raped in every 60mins. Isn't that the bottom of it all. God help these people with sanity in their lives.

  2. Rytly said,, I am with you this has been persisting problem bac in evry country not only ours.. bottOm line..!!!--- semi barbarians
